Investment Opportunities in Agriculture
The deregulation of the telecommunications sector in 1992 through Decree 75 was to allow for private sector participation in the sector and expand the nation’s communication facilities. The Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) was established consequently to regulate the performance of the sector. The liberalization thrust was further strengthened by the Nigeria Communications Commission (Amendment) Decree No. 30 of 1998 which deleted those provisions in the first decree that inhibited competition in the sector thus enhancing the expected role of private sector enterprises.
- Commercial growing of flowers and ornamentals and experimental orchards for more temperate fruits-apples, grape vines and pears have been successfully established in the high plateau regions.
- Food processing and preservation involving industries that will use agricultural produce as raw materials.
- Livestock and Fisheries production which possess great potentials for development. Grazing lands are abundant, facilities for animal feed production are plentiful, and the in-land rivers, lakes and coastal creeks are sufficient to augment ocean fishery resources.
- Agricultural inputs supply and machinery, water resources development especially for flood control infrastructure and irrigation.
- Commodity trading and transportation.
- Development and fabrication of appropriate small-scale mechanized technologies for on-farm processing and secondary processing of agricultural produce.
- Exploitation of timber and wood processing activities. A wide range of wood resources abound.
A. Cereals
- Maize 5954
- Millet 5134
- Millet 3048
- Wheat 205
- Sorghum 7096
B. Grain legumes or Pulses
- Cowpea 1644
- Soybean 248
C. Root Tubers
- Yams 21100
- Cassava 214
- Coco yam 1589
- Irish potato 85
- Sweet potato 812
D. In Industrial Crops
- Cotton 287
- Groundnut 1716
- Cocoa 288
- Coffee 346
- Sugar Cane 755
- Palm kernel 742
- She nut 265
- Rubber 170
- Ginger 49
- Benniseed 58
- Palm Oil 784
- Coconut 141